The power and effectiveness of good diagnostics applied to the optimisation of hardware and software is very well understood by IT executives. All the more surprising then that they don’t habitually use the equivalent tools to manage and optimize their own careers.
The executive diagnostics we use are tested and proven; we use them frequently with clients to inform the optimisation of their performance as teams, leaders and problem-solvers.
We have a range of powerful performance and career management tools that have been tuned to give IT executives new personal insights and options. These profiling tools are a mix of industry standards like MBTI and Belbin and others that have been developed out of our own work and proprietary IT executive research programmes.
We are able to combine these diagnostics with development workshops and coaching to create powerful programmes that deliver breakthroughs in personal careers and team performance.
These diagnostics include:
IT Executive Career Track Profiler – See your executive career profile instantly by using this free tool.
IT Executive Career Boost – Working out where you want to go and cranking up the tempo.
To explore our powerful career development services further go to Executive Coaching