Every month evidence mounts that the digital era is upon us, live and threatening to disrupt every major business in the FTSE and organisations everywhere. Though few CEOs and c-suites would deny this, general understanding and acceptance of the speed, scale and power of digital disruption and what to do about it, is still beyond most traditional business leaders. This results in piecemeal, uncoordinated and tactical responses and experiments that don’t scale. What organisations need is a cadre of digital transformation (DT) mentors in the role of fire-starters, pathfinders, brokers and strategic coordinators.
This is where you come in, once you are trained, properly resourced, prepped and ready to engage. And that’s where we come in.
The role and sophistication of DT mentors will develop quickly over time. Initially we see them as “fire starters” and pathfinders with the mission to inform and engage as many business leaders and teams as they can reach. Our colleagues need to understand that the digital threat is not a technology threat but a failure to adapt business strategy to emerging digital realities. It is the failure to adapt at speed and scale that will cripple your business and destroy shareholder value.
Once the conversations get going the role of the DT mentor becomes educative, using the proven learning resources, tools and frameworks that we will provide to encourage and mentor your business and section leaders, preparing them to step up. Some of these early converts can become DT mentors themselves, with you coordinating to create a multiplier effect that you can use to increase your own credibility and reach.
Soon you’ll be facilitating strategy sessions with your colleagues, identifying scalable digital experiments and acting as a channel to the wider world of business transformation.
We will build the LLG into a pioneering, professionally facilitated networking community providing you with access to international thought leaders, experts, peers and practitioners pursuing the same mentoring vision that you are pursuing. We will provide the knowledge and tools you need as you need them to execute your remit. We will create resources to help you and your colleagues to catch up and stay up on digital trends and their implications to you and your business.
Specifically the LLG will provide:
- A professional learning environment for digital transformation mentor development committed to open learning and experience sharing with access on demand to world-class expert support from international practitioners, authors and speakers.
- Curated content leading to practical thought leadership in the provision of business strategies for the digital era and a secure collaboration platform on which to share experience, request support and celebrate success.
- Usable resources to develop campaigns to inspire and educate colleagues in the fullest extent of changes they face and the action they must take.
- Membership of an active community of fellow mentors growing in influence and determined to stoke up the fires of change in their own organisations. With your support, we expect LLG to extend its reach into other functional “silos” and immediately begin to break them down.
AND FINALLY: as we have said many times (and must keep saying) our companies do not need a digital strategy, we need a changed business strategy fit for purpose in the digital era. New business strategy for the digital era requires a change programme best led from the inside by digitally savvy leaders. Our promise is to facilitate your journey to becoming one of these leaders.