I want to say a quick public thank you to everyone who made the Community Day on Weds the best ever. This includes all our exceptional presenters (Ian Buchanan, Cathy Holley, René Carayol and Ross Meyercord) and our hosts North Highland and Salesforce. If you enjoyed it, and even if you didn’t, please leave us a comment below.
Many people are asking for the presentations and I am seeking permission to distribute these or connect you with a URL. Cathy Holley’s is attached and I’ll send others as soon as I can. I will also be in touch again soon on details of the research project on tomorrow’s tech leaders for tomorrow’s tech functions. If you can think of a snappier title please suggest it.
Finally, thank you for taking part in this exciting venture to generate the best generation of tech leaders we’ve ever had in the UK. I trust you are starting the see the bigger picture and are getting excited by the possibilities.
Very best wishes – Brinley