CIO Development


CIOs and the True Meaning of Transformation

These views are summarised from a conversation with top CIO Head hunter Cathy Holley of Boyden Search. The Business Vision The first question we ask when meeting boards to discuss…

22 June 2016: CIO Mentoring Community Day

I want to say a quick public thank you to everyone who made the Community Day on Weds the best ever. This includes all our exceptional presenters (Ian Buchanan, Cathy…

Business Coaching and Business Mentoring

The CIO Mentoring Scheme has been fully operational for two years. By mid-summer we’ll have around 70 graduates. That is 70 hand-picked, next generation corporate technology leaders, chosen and sponsored…

New integrated corporate technology leadership

Is it too soon to announce the arrival of integrated corporate technology leadership? We don’t think so. We’ve already had several years of debating the merits and distinctive qualities of…

Technology Leadership – IT Academy Programmes

We offer both open (public) and in-company workshop based training programmes; our Academies. These allow technology executives to train their technology leadership skills where they believe they are the weakest…

Rediscovering technology leadership

If you have ever asked yourself how can I become a better, more powerful, more significant technology leader, take heart. Two leader generations ago some of the best IT leaders…